Sligo Gaol on Nationwide
A sincere thank you to RTE Nationwide for the wonderful piece on Sligo Gaol this evening. Many thanks to all those that contributed to making the footage including the many interviewees who graciously gave their time and told their stories - Nick Taylor, Terry Hudson, Poppy Hunt, Katy Caldwell, Majella Byrne, Finton Whelan, and the hard working members of Friends of Sligo Gaol.
Thank you also to Eileen Magnier and John McMorrow for all their great work. Onwards and upwards for Sligo Gaol!
Eileen Magnier interviews Poppy Hunt.,
Conservation joiner Nick Taylor talking about the handmade glass windows
Our committee meeting this evening was filmed for our piece on Nationwide which will air in January. Needless to say we had the best china out for the event!